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HuProt v4.0 standard .gal file for analysis of purchased array. Zip file containing .gal file.
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The goal of this work was to determine whether pre-existing features in the autoantibody fingerprint might associate with melanoma patient outcomes...
Library Content
CSV | 4.28 MB
HuProt v3.1, has columns: block, row, column, system ID, symbol, categories, reviewed UniProt, unreviewed UnProt, CCDS, RefSeq, Ensembl
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CSV | 4.00 MB
HuProt v3.0, has columns: block, row, column, system ID, symbol, categories, reviewed UniProt, unreviewed UnProt, CCDS, RefSeq, Ensembl
PDF | 17.28 MB
The HuProt arrays™ are fabricated by immobilizing ~17,000 individually purified GST-fused human proteins on a single glass slide. Unlike nucleic acids,...
PDF | 2.02 MB
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1, have improved the overall survival and response rate in patients with metastatic melanoma1....